Friday, October 20, 2006

help me

3/4 root-canal. Tomorrow. I am not happy. I don't do well with Novocain, it doesn't work for me. The last time I had work done at the dentist (12 years ago) the doctor finally said, "I can't give you anymore, it's effects won't increase at this point." This was after seven shots.

The thought of the needle going into my mouth makes me squirm out of my seat. I just looked at myself after writing that and I'm halfway off the couch, ass hanging over, my ex's laptop precariously dangling between my knees as I dodge the needle and the doctor that's not really here.

Dad will you please come with me and hold my hand and tell me what an ass I'm being? Need my daddy.

I know, I know, it's so not cool to need your daddy when you're 37. But I never said I was cool.


Anonymous said...

Blogger ate my comment!

I used to drill holes in the heads of small children professionally. Now I just do it for fun. I wish I'd known, I've have come down in my scrubs to play surgi tech again and hold your hand.

If you haven't already, it's ok to tell the doc:
You want nitrous oxide and you want to be lit when he gives you the injections; don't clap the mask on and start shooting.

You want a topical jelly on the injection site.

You have a high threshold for anesthetics and you want to WAIT a minute or two after you get the injections before he begins the work. Too often docs rush to get going and it doesn't allow enough time for the anesthetic to take effect. (psst - xylocaine's the best)

It's easier to manage pain than it is to catch it and knock it down. Ask for drugs and take them before the anesthetic wears off. You'll feel 'fine' and that's because they're doing their job. Continue taking them as long as prescribed! (usually 2-3 days)

This is my professional opinion because I love you.

bbuckman said...

Alas! I cannot be there to hold your hand. Besides, you would probably crush my hand into pulp given your inordinate fear of dentists.

My daddy advice is this: Do everything Kristin said to do. And, if you have no access to heroin, toss back a couple shots of Jack Daniels before you show up.

Remember to brush your teeth before lurching into the office.

Chin up dahlink, keep in mind you come from stock that uses pain like other people use orange juice...just to wake us up.


Toastedsuzy said...

Kristin, I want you to come with me next time I go to the dentist.

He or she is going to do terrible terrible things to me.

Gandhi, if I was there to hold your hand, you'd end up comforting me. I'd cry for you.


super des said...

The whole novocaine family does not work on me either. Ever have teeth pulled sans anisthetic? Sucks.

So take some shots, get gassed, sleep the weekend away, take painkillers, and when you are all better we will go somewhere fun and you will have a shiny new bracelet.


Cheesy said...

I feel your pain! Do Do Do go with the gas... give it a try works for me..... Only thing that keeps me going back or I'd have no teeth!

SUEB0B said...

Oh, sweetie, I feel for you. I wish I could hold your hand.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

everyone thank you so much for your love.

It turned out to be a great experience. The doctor was amiable, funny and very kind. He was able to properly numb me up without the need for gas and instead of a root canal he gave me a fancy filling that looks and feels fabulous. I'm so very happy.

and the kicker is, instead of having to pay half of the price of the whole root canal (insurance only pays half, $600) I got to not have to pay any money as the filling was fully covered. Life is good no?

Although I would have loved to have held the hands of my blood brother, dad, Toasty and The Bob.

Desmerelda- shiny cuff calling to me

Cheesy - I totally understand. I last time I had work done was 12 years ago.