Saturday, December 02, 2006


There is a song written with me in it's chords. It started in a park in the mind of a musician. She carried it home to her guitar. Hands to wood, it slipped onto the strings to be strummed.

There's a neighborhood in Brooklyn, I remember from summer. And this song sits here or near, in winter, in the hands and mind of a musician.

I wonder, does this make me eternal? Do the chord's vibrations enter the universe, to be heard by something somewhere far? And will the strum say, 'it was for a forgettable lass somewhere in a place and a time long dead, but for this distant sound she is dust'?

There is something appealing about being forgotten, but for this one song. Maybe it's the only marker worth having.


super des said...

This is so beautiful, I can't even stand it.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Desmerelda, thank you so much

Unknown said...

one of things i like most about the way you view the world is that your lens is both micro and macro, present and timeless. it makes me think of a line or two i once wrote

"i am finished explaining all that already is
have we not heard the sounds of the night sky proclaiming our infintesimal importance
a breath of the universe and
we are no more

and yet, for every one
unique to each place in time
someones love, whisps of happiness
purposeful in our brevity
if we live"