Monday, July 03, 2006

Humor me

I'm blank like copy paper sitting in the printer waiting. Although, copy paper is so quiet.
My emptiness is more like one of those calls you get where someone accidentally dialed you 'cause their phone was in their pocket and all you hear is the rub of their pants as they walk and the city noise around them.
No message, just rub. So I'm asking you to do the work.
I want to know from you:
How do you define Karma?
If you believe in it, what is your responsibility to life within it's framework?

If these questions make your little pink eyes roll back in your heads, stay with me.

Simpleton questions for easily distracted:
What's your favorite color, little rabbit?
left paw-ed or right paw-ed?

All of you stray bloggers just whizzing by, settle in, make a comment.


super des said...

this is going to take some time to answer... favorite color? that's hard.

kris dresen said...

I'm not one for favoriting of colors since I "see" color as texture. But I do have a soft spot in my heart for Pantone 185C - a nice lush red.

I'm too bitter for karma. I prefer to think of it as revenge. But that's just me.

bbuckman said...

Just a stray whizzing by.

The sound you described that can be heard on a telephone: "...all you hear is the rub of their pants as they walk...", is a new one on me. Kind of eerie too. Of course, I've never used anything but a land line phone.

Karma..hmmm, I think it means there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

MB-universal revenge..i can see this.
Bb-No free lunch.

But what about the positive side of Karma. Any ideas?

Toastedsuzy said...

I think the concept of karma is as good a motivator as the promise of eternal reward in the afterlife; you don't want to screw either one up by being a jerk.

But one's reward for doing good is immediate--especially if the reward is uncomplicated by some archaic, ritualistic dogma--if, in other words, the giver or do-gooder has acted out of a desire to do good, and not out of a desire to kiss up to some mythological being or to pile up chips in his karma bank.

But, anyway, if it's instant karma we're talking about, I am for it. I am pro-karma.

I'm right-pawed and left-winged. My favorite color is George Harrison.

TS (A Stray Blogger)

IzzyMom said...

I have a lot of thoughts on the karma thing. And I'm a firm believer in it. But I'm not sure I can discuss it any further without soundling like a spiritual neophyte (read: idiot)

So I'll take the simpleton questions...

My favorite color is orange. I'm a rightie.

PS...You've been quoted


spotted elephant said...

Yellow, right pawed.

SUEB0B said...

Color - indigo! Right pawed and footed too.

Karma, nope. I believe firmly in randomness. Stuff happens, then other stuff happens. If you be good, more good stuff is happening in the world, which is just great, but it may or may not happen back to you.

Thinking this way, I avoid all the "Why me?" questions.

super des said...

bad sue. I am all for karma. when I let someone get in my lane in the middle of traffic, then someone will let me in theirs. that's car-ma. Don't use that one much in NYC.

karma is magnified. what you get back will be exponentially bigger than what you did.

ok it's 3 am. des sleep now. make more sense later.

belledame222 said...

Rightie. Probably purple.

(maggie bitter: synesthesia? "bless you" no dammit i mean that's really interesting to me, "seeing" color as texture)

Karma: I guess I see it as more of an impersonal force, just basic cause and effect. fortunately or unfortunately, there is, I believe, such a thing as collective karma as well as individual karma.

how or whether it applies to any plane outside this mortal coil, if such exist--no idea, really, although i often wish i did.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Belle-'Karma: I guess I see it as more of an impersonal force, just basic cause and effect. fortunately or unfortunately, there is, I believe, such a thing as collective karma as well as individual karma.'
As usual I'm in line with your thinking on this. When energy is formed it is it's own entity. We are responsible for it. It's like a ball thrown at a wall it comes back. Not cause we're good/bad. Judgement. But because fucking balls bounce.

Izzy-You couldn't sound like an idiot if you tried.
I'm flattered by the quote..hee.

Toastedsuzy said...

I love the ball metaphor (with expletive). Very cool. Stealing it, I am.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

toasty-please, what's mine is yours

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Desbalina-in the wiccan belief there is a 'three-fold law' of karma. What you send out comes back three fold. Fits winged tattoo girls with bright hair, don't you think?

super des said...

that's why you should be 3x as nice to someone as you want them to be to you. Then they will be 9x nicer to you. Or if you give a bum $3, maybe you will get $9 if you are down on your luck.

ok, maybe it's not so mathematically exact, but my point remains valid.

Rarely do you know what you are being rewarded or punished for. Thus, it is hard to correct a specific behavior (a la Skinnerian psychology). That's why there has to be a general aura of goodness about you. That's one good thing about all religions - they teach that.

Of course that doesn't mean I use my own aura of goodness, but at least I know what's coming to me.


#1Aunt said...

ok... so this is a little late but it's new to me. Karma...hmmm... I don't believe energy is created (it just exists) but it moves around us and thru us... what moves thru is changed by us and will result in the energy around us being changed so it all comes back to you good or bad.

#1Aunt said...

BTW purple and not a south paw