Thursday, October 05, 2006

My hands sticky, fumbling with the last bite attached to the pit

My friend said laugh hard three times today and make one really good memory. I didn't laugh hard three times. Maybe once, it wasn't a good day. But I did make a memory.

There was this nectarine. Given to me by a doorman who feeds me fairly regular, kisses me often and tells me secrets about the people in the building. This nectarine looked like any other. But a luscious gift it was, containing such a flavor I almost wept. Every bite a blessing.

"Jorge, the nectarine you gave me, I've never tasted one so delicious I was so happy to have it, thank you."

"I know you baby. I know you to give thanks for de froot. You know, before I was alive I say, 'God, make me in de center of de froot!" and he did. I know you mami, you and I are de same. We see we need to give to the froot, to God."



antiprincess said...

make me in the center of the fruit.


Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

anti-yaa. A good request as requests to god go.
laura-there are so many people like him that I get to see everyday. I'm very glad for it.

super des said...

mmm nectarines. So doormen serve another peupose besides getting packages when you're not home? Damn I wish I had a doorman, like that or any other.

Pendullum said...

Nectarines... Fruit of the Gods... You lucky lucky woman....

NWO said...

Gandhi, that sounds really deep, but I'm not sure what it really means. Isn't the center of the nectarine the pit?? Just askin :)

SUEB0B said...

Why does that make me want to cry? A good cry.

MrsFortune said...

Jorge sounds like my kind of guy.