Wednesday, November 29, 2006

shout out, bitch

A woman walked her dog next to me and mine. She said her dog had attitude and he made demands upon her. When he did he always ended each sentence with bitch.

Yo get me some food, bitch. Take my ass out, bitch. You best play with me, bitch.

I laughed when she told me. When I did she seemed to think we had a cool, chick bond. She seemed freed from some social expectation she held over herself when she discovered I wasn't offended by her humor.

She started making up silly sentences that her dog would say to her so she could end them with bitch. She began to frenzy like a horse rearing back, she would buck her head each time she said bitch.

I realized I became some sort of key to freedom for her and she decided to take full advantage. I continued to laugh at her dog sentences as I was fascinated as to how wacky she would get as the minutes ticked by. But alas, I was unable to take her to a full ecstasy of the freedom of social boundaries as we had reached her door too soon.

But by the time we had got there she was in full swing of 'white girl pretending to have black girl groove', struttin her stiff, narrow ass with every shout of bitch.

Good times.


MrsFortune said...

Hmm, sounds like she may have felt free from the dictates of societal normalcy before your paths crossed, I mean, if she really thinks her dog talks to her. :-)

When my dog talks to me, she ends her sentences with "mama" which I find quite endearing.

super des said...

I love that she made you laugh really hard.

Suebob said...

I call Goldie bitch a lot. Because, well, she is one.

Janet Evening said...

You touched a valve, you trickster!

belledame222 said...

>Hmm, sounds like she may have felt free from the dictates of societal normalcy before your paths crossed, I mean, if she really thinks her dog talks to her. :-) >

there is that...

Pendullum said...

But now da bitch knows where you live...
Someone could be waiting for you and your bitch ass self tomorrow...

Bimbo said...

G~ The strangest thing... I feel badly for her. I mean, I see the humor in it and the love for her as a human bean, but it feels like she feels a bit hollow.

It's me, I must be in a morose mood.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Bimbo-No I think you're right about this. It's what I felt in the back of my mind too.

Pen-no she doesn't know where I live, I know where she lives...and I don't care so, she's safe.