Sunday, July 02, 2006

and she's only 5'1

My friend S has a unique view of life. Travels all over the world. By herself (and her beloved dog), with very little money. Seeks new people in new places, wondering what adventures they offer. What their lives hold that she hasn't experienced.
She occasionally shop lifts at big department stores, 'they rip people off', has committed insurance fraud and has transported drugs from one country to another for personal use.
What's not to like? She's Adventure Girl. It's her thing. I can't condemn her for it, she's too interesting to reject. What do you do with friends like this? Hold out your hand when she needs it, watch and hope no one gets hurt.
She's worth it.

**Was that not enough? Does she not deserve Adventure Girl status in your eyes? How about the trip her and her friends are planning to Cuba? It includes a boat and smuggling people back to the US.
Better? Works for me.


bbuckman said...

Watching her is OK just don't stand close to her in a department store.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

LOL! Sage advice daddy

super des said...

yeha, hold her as a good friend, but don't aid her in anything that might get you in trouble. That sounds like really awesome & fun times though.

IzzyMom said...

I envy people like that but would I trade lives with one of them? Probably not...