Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I am not prepared

Another dream. Desperate pleas for K to take me back. For K to love me again.
I kept grabbing her arms and holding her still. I thought if I begged, if I touched her long enough I would remind her of me and she would cave. Not once, not once. She didn't want me.
A second dream screen played on the side. It contained K and her new love, so happy. They were going to visit Ks family for the first time. I was bent and doubled in the pain of being replaced so completely.
More grappling and pleading on my part and eventually K became blind to me. Her eyes were unfocused and she looked beyond to someone behind me. I was invisible right in front of her and she moved away into a hazy world, happy and away. All I could do was watch, I no longer had any pull.
There was a vague sense of suffocation or more like drowning. Everything was blue and underwater like.
This dream has tripped me up. Where I wasn't feeling this empty overwhelming loss, the ache has come to sit again. For now.

I know where it comes from.
K has been so nice and friendly. Friendly. She is funny and friendly. Says things friends say to friends, to me. To me. I am not her friend but she has been in her new relationship long enough, gotten over me long enough that now I am nothing more than the past and a friend. A friend.
Although I go along and even encourage the banter between us I'm not ready for my new role. I haven't rehearsed and each nicety scrapes my heart and bleeds.


MrsFortune said...

That kind of crap always comes up and bites you in the ass (um, no pun intended) when you're not expecting it. Don't it suck.

super des said...

dreams don't mean anything.

SUEB0B said...

Urg. I hate that shit.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Des, LOL. You are my favorite Grinch/TinkerBell.

Dreams like this suck.

V. thanks for the hug.

Just a quick note. This dream doesn't mean I want to get back with K. I mean a part of me does want the good that we had but I know K and I together doesn't fit right now, if ever.
No disrespect K if you're reading. You know what I mean.

super des said...

I think you want a bowl of ice cream. Let's go get one.