Monday, July 10, 2006

long ass day

Do you know how far one gets on cheese and crackers, Fritos and mini Mounds candies as a diet in the day of a dog walker? Not very.

Today I was visually felt up by a straight girl on the train. She couldn't keep her eyes off me and I was meserized by her behavior as most women, gay or straight haven't the nuts for such boldness.
When I got on the train she was standing, I took a seat across from her and she was glued to me from then on. I actually laughed. She started with my face then cruised my entire length to my toes and contemplated them for a while. She likes feet. Then she'd start all over again.
A seat became available across from me, she sat and looked me straight in the eyes and I smiled with a little laugh. She was completely unfazed. Through out the ride I would catch her checking me out. It was fun..
Yes, yes she may have been gay but she was sporting a fat wedding ring, but she had on a 92st Y shirt...hmm
What do you think?


Toastedsuzy said...

I think you're just sexy!

(Or else she was looking to see if you had any more of those mini-Mounds on you.)


super des said...

she wanted to be your be-otch.

It may not have been a wedding ring. It may have been an heirloom. (Side note: my straight friend wore her grandmother's wedding ring on her right hand. One day a guy said "diamond ring on the wrong side? what does *that* mean?" Clearly indicating that she was "playing for the wrong team." He got told off.)

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Toasty-nice. I like your take on things. As for her penchant for Mounds, I didn't have any left at the time..oh wait, there is one. She must be a bloodhound.

Des-heirloom, this is a possibility. Don't people know that wearing a fat diamond on their married finger cuts down on their ability to score? Silly rabbits.

NWO said...

I think that a woman's beauty is universally appreciated. You lit her fire.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

thanks NW. I like lighting fires