Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What did they do with my jacket?

So I was on the train this morning and I realized my jacket smelled like dog. Like stink dog that you see out for a walk, think is cute, go to pet and wish you hadn't.
I'd left my jacket at a clients over the weekend and apparently they used it to dry the dog off.
So I'm sitting there mashed next to a lovely woman who was on her way to midtown to her job behind a desk, freshly showered and smelling crisp and clean.
I kept getting these whiffs of stink dog and I would brace myself for the lovely woman to loudly announce that I smell and would I kindly get up. I shoved myself as close to the arm rail on the other side as I could. Every time the doors would whoosh open I prayed the fresh, stale aroma of new subway air would mix in and dilute stink dog jacket. I started to get hot and the heated smell of stink dog was even better.
I imagined that every new person had been told telepathically by the woman next to me that I'm the cause of the bad air. My stop finally came and I slinked out, hunched over, hands together as if asking for forgiveness.
I really need to ask what they did to my jacket.


Lisa said...

THis post made me laugh out loud. (I found you through Izzy's blog.) And you are awesome. (Oh My God. I'm in my mid-30's and I just used that word. Well, your blog IS AWESOME, what can I say?)

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Lisa-thank you for saying so! It's kind of you.

spotted elephant said...

Ah, the price of being an animal person. But then, it wasn't an animal's fault, it was the people's fault.

Maybe you had stink people smell?

SUEB0B said...

Dried the dog with your coat? Que barbaridad!!

IzzyMom said...

lol...you probably still smelled better than most. When I rode the subway in NY, I kept smelling someone who reeked of BO mixed with, I dunno, ...ketchup or something. It was nastayyyy!