Saturday, May 06, 2006

I see dead people..if I'm lucky

So my friends and I are in a class to increase our psychic awareness and this class has changed my life for the better. I have learned about my Spiritual Guides and have gotten readings from friends and loved ones who are now in spirit. I have become in tune with my spiritual being and any jest after this point is done light heartedly and in affection and love.

That being said, even though I'm in the second level of this class I'm not so good at it. My teacher swears everyone thinks they aren't going to become more open but by the time they hit level 4 amazing things happen. Well, let me say I have total faith in the idea that we are all psychic and it takes evolving to realize this. I'm just not sure I'm going to evolve enough in this lifetime.

Wouldn't it be funny if at the end of level 4, in our last seance ever, my teacher says, "Robin are you getting anything for anyone?", and I say, "Ahhh, no."? I would rather this didn't happen but, by god, everyone would remember me if it did.

My friend, we'll call her Lori, is a bawdy dame from Queens who takes no prisoners when it comes to the observation of the ridiculous and she sees pretty much everyone as ridiculous.
Here are some of her observations of our class, I've edited a little to protect my own ass, I mean, protect the innocent.

1) Our teacher likes to draw male stick figures (badly)

2) When meditating, your stomach growls.

3) I shouldn't wear tight jeans because it shortens my breath and strangles
my chakas (Chakras).

4) Our Teacher pays $3500 per month to live in that building.
(Editor's note: our class is held in the conference center of our teacher's building where he lives.)

5) Our teacher pays his rent by telling us that we are the best Level I class he
has ever had and to sign up for Level II.

6) You love the homeless, I despise them...ingrates.
(*Editor's note: This is aimed at me and I'm not sure where this comes from.)

7) A group of girls in a "classroom" MUST eat a mass amount of chocolates,
candies and cookies.

8) There is no hot water in the building's bathroom.

9) We suck at telepathy... me with the strappy shoes and sexy legs and you
with the families and the picnics with dogs and squirrels. Pathetic.
(*Editor's note: This is aimed at me and again I don't remember the reference. Must find this out.)

10) And the top 10 thing I've learned in Level I....Too much fake tanner
makes you look like an alien from the planet Orangina.
(*Editor's note again: This ones for our teacher.)

1 comment:

IzzyMom said...

And the top 10 thing I've learned in Level I....Too much fake tanner
makes you look like an alien from the planet Orangina

lolololol...I know, right?