Sunday, May 07, 2006

mind f*cker

I don't want to tear myself away from this spot on this chair in front of this window. If I move I will have to deal with a host of new sensations, visuals and sounds. The idea of going down and over to that store that sells window ACs seems as perilous as trekking across dangerous jungle.
If I stay glued to this screen I won't be irritated with every emotion about or thought of 'Kate' and my little animals that live with her. I'm so irritated that I wrote that.
In my head she sits on a throne and she doesn't even want to. She's not aware of any of this mental rubber burning, she hates when I write about her. Why have I put her here and why does she get the throne? I would like to sit in a throne sometimes. God, I'd love to get over myself right now. Do I really need to sit in a throne in my head? Ohhh how profound, how deep, how tedious. Shake it off, just shake it off.
Must go buy window AC before I convince myself of my own importance.


SUEB0B said...

Well, you can stay in front of the screen, but you're going to need some stronger anti-perspirant once the hot weather hits.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

I got the AC and carried it myself, two blocks. The Arabic store owner was appalled when I said I could do it myself. They watched me in disgust and amazement. It took me 15minutes to get there. Christ I should have let them wheel it over.

SUEB0B said...

I keep thinking about how much your arms must have hurt.