Thursday, May 04, 2006

Credit and the lives it stresses out

I just checked two out of three of my credit reports and my credit is good! I won't go into details.. well just a little.
Ten years ago I walked away from three credit cards without paying them. Since then I've lived as an ashamed guilty non-credit having wretch. A couple of years ago 'Kate' got me a card with my name on it that we thought was on her credit but low and behold! It's on my credit and it's in good standing, so I have good credit. Go figure. I'm so happy.

You heard Mrs. Fortune had her baby boy right?


SUEB0B said...

Woo hoo. Good credit is a GOOD thing. Maybe we can buy the house I listed on my blog LOL.

Congrats to Mrs F!!

MrsFortune said...

Oh. Man. Good credit = priceless. Mine? Not so much, I kinda didn't understand the whole "pay your bills" thing when I was in undergrad and well ... let's just say I'm paying for it BIG TIME now. So count your blessings.

spotted elephant said...

Yay good credit!