Monday, May 29, 2006

Quantum huh?

Have you seen What The Bleep Do We Know? It's a great movie. It talks about quantum physics and how intentions scientifically effect our world around us. One of the many scientists in the movie, Dr. Masaru Emoto What The Bleep, water crystals created an experiment showing how water responds to peoples intentions in a way that can be seen through a microscope.
Roughly, he put water in different small bottles. Some were prayed over, others cursed at. Each bottle of water had different forms of water crystals when examined. They looked like snow flakes. The ones that were blessed were beautiful white designs, the ones that were cursed were orange and unhappy looking.
Near the end of the movie one doctor discussed how every morning he woke and chose to manifest his own destiny for that day. He created it in his mind, sent it out into the universe and then asked that it be sent to him in a way in which he would know that it was from the universe. A sign if you will.
This action is something that supports my personal spiritual beliefs and I was excited to incorporate it into my life.
The last two days I've woken up and asked for truth and what is real to show itself to me. I asked that it be showed in a way that I would know it was from my intentions and the universe.
Well, I can't bare to go into the details as it was a heartbreaking revelation and it was given in a way that was a sign to me. The information has all but sent me off the ledge. But it was the truth that I was asking for and I'm grateful.

As a side note I also sent energy out about someone I've been curious about, I wanted to see her. Not defining it in anyway but that I wanted to visually see her.
I was laying in the grass in the most beautiful park overlooking the water. She walked into the grass with her friend and laid a blanket down and stayed. I was blown away.
Watch the movie.


SUEB0B said...

It's interesting, Rev. Cathy was talking about this at church just yesterday. About how we work at unfulfilling jobs and think "I want out of here" and then are shocked when we get fired/laid off/downsized. When the universe is just responding to a pretty clear request.

Hm. What do I need to ask for?

I am amazed that you have the fortitude to write such a clear-headed post at a time like this.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Thanks for saying that.
Ask for abundance.
Is this shot of you in the shower?

super des said...

wonderful idea, that.

controlling our own destinies. I'm in.

Janet Evening said...

I agree, and practice every day. It's always nice where I am!

MrsFortune said...

That was a phenomenal movie.

I'm not sure what is going on with you but I hope you're okay, and that you're getting what you need!

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Mrs Fortune, Thank you. I'll write you soon about the details.

SUEB0B said...

I had just gotten out of the shower. Naked on the internet, woo hoo.

Ironically, I think my most famous internet moment came when mentioned something I had sent them about Koko the gorilla and nipples...if you google suebob nipple, the results are rather hilarious and telling...

IzzyMom said...

Wow, that's really heavy.