Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I would pay for the moving truck

I'm listening to Homer beg for sex from Marge on the Simpsons.

I'm also listening to the twit who lives above me thump around her apartment like a 200 pound man. I want to slap the stomp right out of her.

I'm a teensy grumpy, I could really go for a good beat down. Some unassuming white girl, say my upstairs neighbor..

I would wait till she left her apartment. I would slip down the stairs after her and follow her past 204st .When we got to the side gate of the old Dykeman farmhouse I'd pull her ass into the opening and knock the desire to live right out of her and tell her she's too loud and too stupid to get away without being mugged at least once in NYC.

Then she would move.


Bimbo said...

Desperate to avoid the perils of unpacking, our heroine hunts the great white elephant in the wilds of NYC... tuktuks? F the VFs, I say Beatles: beepbeep mm beepbeep yeah

belledame222 said...

I could ask my own neighbors who play whatever the fuck it is same song over and over and over the fuck again, something on the elctronic kazoo i think, to do a swap for the evening...

Bimbo said...

electronic kazoo: so on my christmas list now. hot damn!

super des said...

I'm so lucky my neighbors are relatively quiet.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Kristin, beepbeep baby

Belle, Point taken, I'll stick with thumper..

Des, quiet neighbors?? huh?

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

this was such an aggressive post, christ.

Toastedsuzy said...

It really was, honey. I've never seen this side of you. I am frightened and a little aroused.

belledame222 said...

le rowr rowr!

yeah, then again i suspect my nabes aren't too enamored with my own charming habit of screaming obscenities at my computer and other technical gremlins who love to taunt me by not working.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Toasty, LOL. fear can bring that out sometimes. Putting on scary gorilla costume and getting into your bedroom closet...

bbuckman said...

First, you beat senseless an impolite sub-way rider. Now, a thumping music neighbor falls under your righteousness.

Cleaning up New York one asshole at a time. Hooray!

The ghost of Walter mitty rides again.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Dad-lol! By the way Belle has the Thumping Music Player, I just have Thumper and Stomper.
Me and Walter Mitty baby..