Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Hallalujah Man

First off, let me apoligize for the fucking video. I edited it so it was upright then uploaded it and the damn thing kept coming up sideways. Just tilt your head to the left and everything will be fine.

A few years ago I would have rolled my eyes as I passed this gentleman, as I usually have a low tolerance for any bible thumping. But I've had a change of heart, in the right situations. Hallalujah Man being one of them.

I didn't catch on video the moments where he says, 'I love you' over and over but joy dances in his eyes and I get the feeling he speaks the words believing his god says them through him. I'm moved by his intentions, it doesn't matter one stitch if I believe. Just his belief could heal the world.


bbuckman said...

My neck won't do that. It's easier to turn the monitor on its side.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

lol daddy

super des said...

that guy loves God. God loves everybody.

SUEB0B said...

He has some sweet sentiments. Crazy, yes, but happy, so it is hard to argue there.

IzzyMom said...

Oh I love that! Such passion and enthusiasm. It's really sweet.