Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hazy with heat

It's hot here. I'm sitting, watching the AC fan blow the curtain back and forth. What to do? I want to look for apartments but there are so few listed right now. Waiting.

I should go to the park...but it's so hot. I'll wait till Fresh Direct delivers the groceries at 5pm, then I'll go.

Have you seen Hustle and Flow? Great movie. Just watched it. The guy, I've forgotten his name. Very easy on the eyes, even to the likes of me, fanning self.
I was surprised that I was tearing up through most of the movie. It really moved me. I found it to be a metaphor for the struggles of everyone trying to climb from the stuck and wretched life they're living to one that empowers them.

I think I'm having a teensy bit of PMS...(D. don't you dare use this info against me!)
"So you're saying this because you're PMSing." <-----This sentence causes wars. Most historians don't know this. Patronizing a woman over exuberant emotions will get you killed.
Yeah the emotion is higher, but my brain is still functioning properly.

Dear Universe,

I send my intentions to you for an apartment which I will love and experience great joy in. I ask that you manifest it and show me a sign that it was an answer to my intentions and a gift from you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


super des said...

it is as hot as a monkey's butt here.

while I was being tattooed, the artists were talking and one of them was listing all the apartments he found. $1300 for a 2-bedroom on the river with a view? $2400 for a 4 bedroom? They were all in Brooklyn, but shit. And we thought we had a great deal. I don't know where he was getting these great finds, but I alost beat him up and took his apartment.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

lol...So you got your tat. The bat? Were you sweating like a fiend?

SUEB0B said...

I felt the same way about Hustle and Flow. I was so glad to see the song "It's hard out here for a pimp" win the Oscar because I did think it was an every-person kind of is hard, for almost everyone.

I am visualizing your perfect apt for you.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Thank you el.
Thank you bob