Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gosh, I know they're small but..

Last week I went into the Subway shop to get a sandwich. One of the guys behind the counter said, "Yes sir?" I stood there staring, then pointed at my boobs and said, "My hair is short but I'm a girl." They had great fun with that.


super des said...

obviously you don't wear enough pink frilly dresses. and bows.

SUEB0B said...

Perhaps some hair extensions. And a tiara.

MrsFortune said...

I like Sue's idea. How fun would that be to just walk around with a tiara, for no apparent reason. The looks you'd get. I mean, any person who didn't live in NYC would get looks.

super des said...

I wear a tiara sometimes, but I did that before I moved to NYC.

We'll go on a tiara-wearing spree. If anyone questions our gender, we'll beat them up.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Des- You can beat them up, I'm a chicken that way. A chicken in a tiara.
Just bought pink frilly dress with the little socks with the lace cuff. This should do it.
Mrs.Fortune-the other day a woman dressed as a clown was walking down the street. She honked her horn at everyone who stopped and looked at her. NY is fun. I've never lived anywhere I've loved more.
Bob-I'm glad I know I look like a woman or else I may feel a teensy insecure. Christina (remember the way she looked?) she was so used to people thinking she was a guy she didn't bother to correct people anymore. lol. funny.

belledame222 said...

You could always just put a bumper sticker on your forehead. YESIMAGURL.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

I'm warming up to this bumpersticker idea...