Thursday, June 29, 2006

A little of this, a little of that

-My client told me her cat rapes soft sweaters. I greeted this information with a hearty welcome, as odd behavior in animals is something I live for. I'm hoping to one day witness this assault.

-A friend and I were chatting yesterday. Her toes were painted and I pointed and said 'ooo la la'. She proceeded to pull her shirt aside and show me her bra which matched the color of her toes. The second she did it I saw she was embarrassed and didn't really know why she was showing it to me. This made two of us.

-I love the sound of Portuguese. I seek out my friend J, the Brazilian kick boxing, dog walking extraordinaire) because he speaks it and so does V, the woman I'm dating, If I'm talking to her on my cell when I see him, I walk up and put the phone to his face. He's getting used to this, as it's not the first time I've violated his personal space with my cell.
He takes the phone and says 'Hi, how are you?'
V tells him he's supposed to speak Portuguese to her, as this is the reason I handed him the phone in the first place. He switches over and they talk about futbol and where J's from. They are so sweet to humor me.

My roommates teach me to speak to V in Port. They spell it out phonetically so I can pronounce it right, with a Brazilian accent. V likes this, so do I.

-Joan told me when she lived in Spain her apartment opened onto the ocean. At high tide she could jump out of her window into the water. This....well this is what we live for isn't it? Beautiful.


NWO said...

I love the way you capture life's moments. What a gift!

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

nw-Thank you!

SUEB0B said...

Go check Granny Gets a Vibrator

The Feb 26th entry - it is the funniest animal humping a soft object story that you will ever hear. Complete with ugly dogs.

super des said...

accents are fun. good for you.

bbuckman said...

Seems to me if you're going to go to the bother of painting your toenails to match your bra you are dying for someone to notice the effort.

I doubt that your friend was really embarrassed to reveal the great combination.

For someone from the white cotton panties and bra era, when nobody painted their nails cotton panty white, I am fascinated by you chic New Yorkers.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Dad, we're a very unique breed. We even match our toe nails to our hair color sometimes, huh Des?

super des said...

are you kidding? I match my hair to my toenails. Though actually right now, they are white. I haven't gotten to the white hair yet though.

belledame222 said...


and second the plug for grannyvibe. she kicks ass.

jumping out the window into the ocean sounds like pure unadulterated heaven right now. ahhh...