Monday, June 05, 2006

My own seventies show

I knew this girl in high school. She was my idea of the coolest stoner chick ever. It was the eighties but she had that groovy, hippy vibe of the seventies. Her hair was long and curly, she was thin and tall with a beautiful face and great hippy clothes. She had the cutest boyfriend too, he was just as appealing. Every time I saw them they looked like they'd come from a Zeppelin concert.
I was smitten in a straight girl way and I befriended her hoping some of her groove would rub off on me. She was so sweet and friendly. I fantasized that we would soon be best friends and inseparable.
She had the coolest mom, she let my friend and her boyfriend have sex in her bedroom. Believe me this is so cool when you're a stoner in high school.
I would go over to her house and she would light incense and we'd sit around and listen to records. We'd chat, it would peter out into a rather continuous silence so I'd leave thinking it was just the setting that created the lull. It'll change.
So she'd come round my place and we'd go to the park and smoke a joint and sit and sit..and not talk. This visits were excruciating. She could sit in silence for a half an hour at a time and be totally comfortable. I would be so stoned I'd space out and start to get a little paranoid that she'd said something I didn't hear. Or that she'd got up and walked away and I didn't notice.
I realized she was boring, I was devastated. I started lying to get out of these visits. Bad lies, but I was desperate. Finally one day she quit calling. I don't know what conclusion she came to regarding my eventual absence. But I wish I still knew her. The things I couldn't tolerate about her then I respect now. I hope she still enjoys just sitting, being content in the silence between friends. I hope she's well.


bbuckman said...

sigh...I miss the seventies too. And the sixties.

Let's twist one up.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

LOL Daddy!

super des said...

that's the thing about stoners... are you really friends, or are you "friends" because you are already there together? The true test of friendship is NOT being stoned (or drunk) together. Of course, if you can be together at both times, that's even better.

Not that I'm a stoner anymore.But I still have some of those friends.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

"are you really friends, or are you "friends" because you are already there together?" <---good line des. It's obvious you were once a stoner 'cause you can bend your mind to groovy new perspectives.

super des said...

when I can find the means to concentrate, anyways...
