Sunday, June 18, 2006

Dad's Day

Did you know it was Father's Day? I didn't until my dad told me. Not exactly the person I would have liked to remind me. Feeling like an unfit daughter.


super des said...

I talked to my dad yesterday, and just before that for my bday. I don't really have anything new to say to him.

bbuckman said...

You guys know you don't have to 'try to make conversation' or '..have anything new to say..', the old boys just like to hear from their offspring.

It makes us feel semi-important.

super des said...

such a dad thing to say

super des said...

ok, I called my dad & he said the exact same thing as you bbuckman. "Father knows best" and all that.

SUEB0B said...

I feel so lucky that I get to see my dear dad twice a day.