Sunday, June 11, 2006

But I had these three rooms painted...

I went and looked at an apartment for rent. It's an indefinite sublet. The man who lives there has a sick mother in California who he's going to move in with and care for. The place is huge. And in major disrepair. Six rooms loaded with water damage, peeling plaster, paint and wood floors covered in linoleum from the sixties.
The man is reluctant to have the super repair this mess because the super told him he would need 3-4 weeks to do it. Why Mr. Man thought this to be outrageous is beyond me. He's lived in this hovel since 1969 and apparently it looks to him the way it looked when he was eight. It doesn't.
He said he couldn't guarantee that the super would do any repairs and that I would have to like it enough as is to move in. Fuck this.
With that being said, am I willing to pursue this matter? Ask him to arrange a meeting with the super and I so I can attempt to get a guarantee of work from the man? Or do I want to continue looking for a place that won't be as huge but well cared for and clean? Is this going to be a missed opportunity? Or a missed pain in the ass?
Maybe I ought to practice my awkward, unskilled skills of bargaining. This guy is a defensive, tense person so it would be a difficult experience and frankly I think he'll bail if I expect more than dust and crust. What to do..


SUEB0B said...

I would hold out for something better. Even if the repairs get done, it sounds like Mr. Tenant is a weirdo and the whole thing might be more trouble than it is worth. I will sacrifice some tofu on my altar for you.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Lol. Thanks for the tofu. Yes I'm thinking the same.

super des said...

I agree. if he's trying this hard to sublet, imagine if a problem came up.

bbuckman said...

Water damage! Peeling plaster! Major pains in the ass.

Take it from one whose hands are knicked and knobby from trying to correct old timey construction problems.

The chances of you winning a negociation with a NYC super are not great.

Move along, dahling...this is no place for a young lady like yourself.

belledame222 said...

What they all said.