Tuesday, August 22, 2006

last day of leo

It's my birthday today and I'm definitly not as thrilled as I used to be. The only thing that makes this day any different is my ability to call clients and tell them I want the day off.
I'm going out to eat with friends later. I've told everyone not to make a production over me, especially in the restaurant as I'm not into attentions put on me that I didn't ask for. I will walk away from the table if anyone thinks about telling the waiters to sing to me. And no I'm not one of those people who says don't make a big deal then laughs and laughs when they do. I'm more the kind of person who says seriously don't make a big deal or I'll fucking hate you.
Once I watched a birthday ceremony at a restaurant where the servers came over and shoved a crown on the birthday girl, grabbed her shoulders and sang some crazy song as they twisted the crown round and round on her head. By the time they were done her long hair was matted and twisted and the crown was down over her face. Good times.
If this happens tonight I will kill myself.


super des said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I too hate those restaurant shenanigans. However, if I am with you I make a big deal; i.e. you don't pay for anything, we do whatever you want, etc.
It's your day!!!!

Have the best one ever!

p.s. If there is some reason you need to walk out on your friends, call me. I'll bring you cupcakes.

Pendullum said...

Happy Birthday...
I hate all of those public displays...

But my younger sister LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEESSS them...
Just has a whole I wanna be a celebrity down to an art...
So, when out with my sister ...(she is my younger sister and is a whole of 37 years of age) she will somehow have a birthday cake delivered for herself...

Toastedsuzy said...

Happy Birthday Pumpkin!

If I were taking you out, I would tell the waitstaff that we were just returning from a funeral. That way, not only would they NOT sing happy birthday to you, but if they happened to sing it to any body else in the room, we could glare at them AND the birthday people and make them feel like stupid insensitive jerks.

Because they ARE stupid insensitive jerks, Precious.

It is YOUR special day, and everyone should observe the occasion with the gravity, decorum and alcohol it deserves.


bbuckman said...

"I'll fucking hate you!", if you think enough of me to celebrate my existence with music and song.

Damn dawder, that's a pretty tough stance to take. Sounds a little like Grandma Demon.

Happy B-Day anyway. And, believe me, I'm not singing one goddamn note. I'm solemn as a judge.

kris dresen said...

Wishing you a low-key celebration of your arrival on the planet. May many more follow.

NWO said...

Thank you for being born. The world is better.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Des, my friends spared me any embarassment but I still need a cupcake from my des cupcake.

Pendullum, thank you!

Toasty, you so know how to take care of me.

Daddy, you don't fool me. You are just like me, mortified by public displays of bday attention.

Maggie, thank you so much

Nwo, what a lovely thing to say. You made my day..

spotted elephant said...

Happy Birthday!