Saturday, August 05, 2006


Remember Anubis? The true carpet muncher?
Several days after indoor grazing he still wasn't well. He was pampered, consoled and cooked special food for to entice him to forget his blunder and get on with being the fine dog that he is. Nothing.
On the fifth day Anubis went out for a shit break in the yard. Which seemed odd since he really hadn't eaten anything since upstairs and downstairs carpet.
He seemed to be having a hard time finishing up and reluctantly S. went out to assist. The kind of assist that makes dog owners want to give their dog away rather than do.
Long, sick story short, S. pulled about a yard of carpet out of Anubis' ass. She said literally, a fucking yard. Sometimes a dog needs a human hand and that's love my friend.


super des said...

Mecru ate string once - and only once - and there was the cat running around, utterly fraked. Me holding the cat while C "assisted" with the removal of very long string.
Everyone was unhappy, but now it's funny. I'm so glad he learned his lesson.

Hopefully Anubis learns his lesson as well.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Something tells me he hasn't

bbuckman said...

All I can say is that Anubis should thank his lucky stars he lives where anybody cares what he shits.

SUEB0B said...

That is a good friend indeed. I will never own a long-haired dog for the dingleberry reason. That damn schnauzer we dogsat...erk.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Dad-lol. Indeed
Sue-Chow Chows, the worst.

spotted elephant said...
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spotted elephant said...

Ahhhgghh! Comment above deleted (seconds after I posted it) because I used your real name. Sorry.

I woke up thinking about a dog having a yard and a half of carpet pulled out of his butt. It really bothered me-why would I be thinking/dreaming of that?

Now I remember why. Thanks, GR. ;)

IzzyMom said...

HOLY CRAP! (no pun intended)

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

SE-you can call me robin it's ok. Now did you have the dream after you read my post? or was it a premonition of posts to come?