Friday, June 30, 2006

The wheels are spinning too fast

I ran into a woman I know in the park. She sits for long hours with her two golden retrievers at her feet. I've always thought her a little strange but today she confirmed that it may be more than a little.
I walked up and said hi and she dives into a rant about a certain group of dog owners who are very cliché-ish. They huddle around each other and discuss each others dogs' medical symptoms. This group snubs her. They say 'Hi Cee Cee, I have to go. I have to get some coffee. I have to go brush my teeth. Then they scatter.
She tells me they are plotting with her ex to take her dogs away. The ex has hired a lawyer and he is trying to sue her for custody and these evil dog owners are all the ex's witnesses. I asked her how she knew this and like most crazy people, gave me a rambling nonsensical, completely irrational explanation. Something about the rumors and attitude. Bad vibes prove this and that.
She's also convinced her lawyer is secretly working with her ex's lawyer and that all will be lost but she keeps paying him.
I kept backing away. Instead of bidding me goodbye she got up and followed me as I retreated. Meanwhile this kid sits down to eat his lunch and her dog, who is off leash goes up to him and gets into his food. Cee Cee yells over, 'don't feed her!' [Aaahh he wouldn't be feeding her if she hadn't stuck her dumb face in his food, go get her and put her on leash for fucks sake.] All of which I didn't say as I like Cee Cee and feel for her craziness.


MrsFortune said...

Wow. Gotta love the crazies, but just because you're paranoid doesn't mean the world isn't out to get you, y'know? And that kid shouldn't have fed her dog. Definitely.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Definitely, lol. I miss you. I need to get over to your blog dammit.

super des said...

I think I know why the other group snubs her.

belledame222 said...

uh, yeah.

the hard part with people like that isn't so much that they're crazy per se, it's that--as the unfortunate but occasionally accurate saying goes,

"give 'em and inch and they'll take a mile"

...mostly because of course if you're crazy your sense of boundaries are pretty much all shot to hell.

Janet Evening said...

You need your own foil hat. And silk underwear, to protect your solar plexus! Keep walking, and don't let them in your house!