Saturday, June 03, 2006

Rain be damned

So we went to Coney Island. It rained.

And it rained some more

So we watched the ocean,

and went to the arcade and played enough games to win the tickets we needed....

To get our Coney Island souvenirs.

But the highlight of the trip was Dancing Arcade Man.

Then over to Nathans for hotdogs.


bbuckman said...

You're getting really slick on this computer thingy.

Nathan's hot dogs and Coney Island! Pretty good for a little country girl.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

Heee. Thanks dad.

super des said...

Good to see you're putting that new camera to use.

I've never been to Coney Island. I imagine this summer I'll go some time, though it seems to be a lot less crowded in the rain.

SUEB0B said...

You have gone from not knowing how to post photos to posting U Tube video in ONE DAY??? I am speechless. And jealous.

IzzyMom said...

Awww...your dad posted to you. That's so sweet. Coney Island looks fun, even in the rain.

Bamboo Lemur Boys Are Mean To Their Girls said...

des-I haven't been there when it's crowded. I'm going to go and lay among the multitude some hot summer day.
bob-I'm a quick learner.
izzy-It was fun. Our souvenirs where my roommates idea to commemorate our time together there. She's great isn't she?